Honor Your Amazing Body

Without any intention on my part, the theme for my week has been about the body.  First I read an article about Dr. Joseph Dispenza’s new book, Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself, in which he writes about the body-mind connection.  He says we need to “teach the body emotionally what we understand intellectually.”  Then […]

Healthy in Every Way – #1 on My Wish List

Actually, being healthy in every way: physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually, and financially wasn’t on my wish list when seeking the love of my life; it was on my must-have list.  And it was number one.  Is this anywhere on your list?  If not, I strongly encourage you to reconsider. As a wellness consultant, I routinely […]

Just Because You Can Doesn’t Mean You Should

The sexual freedom presented in the movies and on television today has many people unsure how to behave.  I saw evidence of this when I was dating, and this phrase frequently came to mind: just because you can doesn’t mean you should.  Freedom doesn’t only mean the right to say “yes”; it also includes the […]

Successful Singles Show Up

Showing up is essential for singles, whether they embrace their single status and intend to remain that way or they desire to meet that special someone.  To show up means to get out there, try new things, meet new folks, and fully participate. Some lament that the single life is lonely, but it doesn’t have […]

Impatience Rarely Pays Off

The title of this piece probably doesn’t surprise you, if you’re familiar with my work.  Sane sex is all about waiting for emotional intimacy to develop before becoming physically intimate.  I came to the conclusion that this was the best approach after watching countless examples of impatience not pay off.   Similarly, impatience early in the […]

Less is More, With Food and Sex

As of 2008, only 56% of French males and 40% of French females were classified as overweight or obese, compared to 70% of American males and 62% of American females.  How can we explain these differences?  It may well be how the two cultures differ in their perspectives on food.  Researchers have found that the […]

Keeping Agreements

Many authors and teachers advise us to be mindful of the agreements we make with other people so that we can be sure to keep them.  Certainly this is sound advice for anyone seeking a long term loving relationship with a partner.  Have you ever thought about the agreements you’ve made with yourself?  When I […]

Sane Sex May Resonate with Teens After All

When I write about sane sex, it’s always with adults in mind; the life-creating potential of sex renders it strictly adult behavior.  So when people ask me if my book is appropriate for their high-school son or daughter, I hesitate.  Although I would certainly rather see high schoolers practicing sane sex rather than any other […]

How Do You Wish to Be Treated?

I recently thumbed through a journal I kept during my dating days and found a letter I’d written.  It was an exercise I’d done where I imagined how a letter from the love of my life would have read.  There were several purposes to the activity, one of which was to put on paper how […]

Achieving Alignment with the Sane Sex Model

What prompted me to write my book was the frequent dialogue I had with singles while I was dating.  I found many to be confused, discouraged, demoralized, and occasionally embarrassed. These feelings were the result of being out of alignment, primarily because they had been following Today’s Dating Model. You may recall that with Today’s […]