Sane Sex May Resonate with Teens After All

When I write about sane sex, it’s always with adults in mind; the life-creating potential of sex renders it strictly adult behavior.  So when people ask me if my book is appropriate for their high-school son or daughter, I hesitate.  Although I would certainly rather see high schoolers practicing sane sex rather than any other kind, my preference is that they have none at all, at least they’re old enough to marry without permission.  I’m happy to report that it appears we’re headed in that direction.

According to the Centers for Disease Control, in 1988, 50% of boys and 37% of girls age 15 to 17 reported having had sex.  Today, the numbers are down and the difference between the genders has disappeared.  Fewer than 30% of all teens surveyed in that age group stated they’d had sex.  I am surprised and delighted by this news!

There seem to be two major factors that account for this shift. The first is fear of pregnancy and HIV-AIDS.  Interestingly, more boys than girls cited these fears were the primary reason they postponed sex.  The other factor may be more even unexpected: boys, not just girls, expressed the desire to wait for the right person.  Researchers have found that teenage boys are equally committed emotionally in their relationships as teenage girls.  I should also note that 30% of those surveyed named religion and morality as their motives for delaying sexual activity. Halleluiah!

Parents, I hope this encourages you, as it takes courage to broach these topics with teens today.  Don’t be afraid to start the dialogue with your kids; they may well be more receptive than you thought!