Throw Away the Box

I recently heard a new twist on the expression “think outside the box.”  It was – throw away the box!  This advice might be well worth heeding for some singles, those who keep doing the same things in their attempts to meet someone new. Single people often lament that the good ones are taken or […]

There’s No Need to Outshine Anyone

Do you know someone who makes you feel good about yourself?  I recall a coworker who made me feel like a million bucks!  Just what is it about the other person that makes you feel so good?  In the case of my coworker, it was the sincere interest he had in me and his ability […]

Are You In a Relationship Trap?

Have you ever been in a relationship trap?  Perhaps you’re in one now.  You know the situation: you’re in a relationship someone that you know deep down is not right for you.  For some reason, though, you stay with it, despite the warning signs.  Some of the warning signs you see might be his working […]

You are Worth the Wait

Many people ask me why I wrote my book.  After all, I’m not a sex therapist or a counselor.  It was my experience dating and meeting other singles that motivated me to write.  Repeatedly I was surprised by how confused and discouraged people were – men and women alike.  One of the most common observations […]

Tricho What?

That’s trichomoniasis.  If you haven’t heard of it, don’t be surprised.  Most people haven’t, yet it’s one of the most common sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) around, infecting an estimated 7 million people in the U.S. every year.  Sexually active women are the most commonly affected.  The cause is a protozoan (back to science class!), which […]

Treasure Your Body

Perhaps you’ve heard it said that your body is God’s temple, so you should treat it with respect and care for it.  I don’t disagree with this viewpoint; I just don’t find it very motivating when I need to make a change about how I treat my body.  After all, there are approximately 6,697,254,000 people […]

Sane Sex or Same Sex?

When people see my book cover or hear me say the name of the book, Worth Waiting For, Sane Sex for Singles, they often hear “same” sex rather than “sane” sex.  I like the phrase “sane sex” because it’s close to safe sex in sound and is just one level up from safe sex on […]

Learn to Work the Room – Part 3

Learning to work the room not only means knowing how to start conversations, but how to end them as well.  If you’re at a networking event where the goal is to meet a lot of people, try not to monopolize anyone too long.  Suggest that you meet for coffee later in the week when you […]

Compassionate Listening Enhances Trust

Emotional intimacy requires a high level of trust, and trust is established over time.  When we have superficial sex, typically early in a relationship, there can be no trust and therefore no real intimacy.  When we commit to sane sex, we’re willing to invest the time it takes to build trust, and one practice we […]

Safety and Trust Encourages Emotional Intimacy

A definition of intimacy that I offered in Worth Waiting For: Sane Sex for Singles was “a close relationship rich in familiarity, understanding, and confidence formed in a quiet atmosphere where detailed knowledge and private utterances could be exchanged.”  Given this definition, it makes sense that when you’d like to become emotionally intimate with someone, […]