Prayer for One Who Harmed Me

Are you longing for peace? Ordained minister and award-winning author Kebba Buckley Button states in her book Peace Within, “Relaxing the body is not same as peace within, but it can help you get there. Peace within is something more, a soul peace, a calm knowingness, a fully heart-instilled faith that God is there and all is truly well, whatever the appearance of things.”

Perhaps it’s hard to imagine peace within when, after months of isolation with COVID-19 news, we’re now barraged with stories and images of unrest, violence, and death. For me, it takes a consistent daily practice when I can be still and put the turmoil and fear into perspective.

One spiritual tool I turn to regularly is forgiveness. I have several favorite techniques I will share in the months ahead. However, given today’s news stories and commentaries fueled by anger and centered on social injustice, I’m enthusiastic about a process I recently adopted combining two different forgiveness methods. The first I learned from a New Thought minister who finds pictures of infamous people as babies or children. In her forgiveness workshops, she passes the photos around, inviting the participants to practice feeling compassion and forgiveness for the individuals.

This idea appeals to me. While there are some people whose behavior I find so distasteful I can’t bear to look at them, I discovered I am able to look compassionately at a picture of them as a child. What thoughts do I hold? Here is where the second forgiveness practice comes in. Found in “Praying in the Presence of Our Lord” For the Holy Souls by Susan Tussone (publisher, Our Sunday Visitor, 2001) is this prayer:

This soul did little good to me, oh Lord, but this soul was yours. So, to this soul I say, “I bless the day you were born. I bless your growing up. I bless you even in your dark deeds, and I bless you, Soul, at your end. Travel to the God who transforms. Travel to the arms so wide. Travel to the Spirit all generous.

(Author unknown)

In my Anamcara Apprenticeship, we learned forgiveness pain is considered to be the common cold of spiritual pain. I invite you to consider if the need to forgive is blocking your experience of peace. If so, you might want to take my process, modify to fit you, and give it try. You may just find the peace you desire.

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