Dig Deeper

To connect with someone who seems very different from you, get to know them better.  As a caregiver, I love to ask my dementia clients about their past.  I’m frequently amazed by their stories and always find something in common that connects us.

Embrace Anger and Irritability

Buddhism teaches to embrace our feelings of anger or irritability with tenderness, rather than resistance.  Gently acknowledge these feelings as part of yourself and be there for them, and they will subside.

A Gun is not a Rock

Gun control opponents argue that David killed Goliath with a rock, but we wouldn’t think of banning rocks to prevent violence.  I agree, but there’s no comparison.  I’d rather defend myself against a person with a rock rather than one with a gun any day, wouldn’t you?

Nonviolent Breathing

Buddhist practice is based on nonviolence, and this extends to our breathing.  Rather than trying to alter your breath by breathing slower or more deeply, just breathe naturally, in and out.  Notice how good that feels.