The Parking Lot

Most people think of cars when they hear the phrase “parking lot.”  As a trainer, the phrase has an additional meaning.  During a workshop, when participants bring up a relevant issue that we cannot address at that moment, I put the item in the parking lot.  I label a flip chart page “Parking Lot” and post the item there, so it won’t be forgotten.  This way the group can let the issue go for the time being, and I don’t forget to follow up on it later.

There are times when it would be helpful to carry this practice into our personal lives.  When you have an idea you don’t want to forget, but can’t act on right away, start a parking lot list and note it there.  Just as parking lots have specified sections such as valet or handicapped, you can label parts of the page by topic, such as home or family.

We can also use this technique when we become aware of a need that we don’t know how to meet.  If there isn’t an action you can take in the moment, don’t worry or stew about it.  Place the need in the parking lot.  This lets you and the Universe know it’s important, but can’t be handled right now.  Then turn your attention to an affirmation such as “All my needs are met in a perfect way at the right time.”  Take a moment and remember a time when a need was met and recall how good that felt.  Then get back to the business at hand.  The item in the parking lot will be there, ready for attention when the time is right.