Receiving Abundant Supply

While I write often about those who resist receiving, there are many people who are trying desperately to receive what they want and/or need.  Almost everyone I know would like to receive more money than they have, and many of them need it to cover their basic living expenses.  Because I frequently get requests for prayers for a greater flow of abundance, I’ve done a lot of research on how to increase supply in whatever form is needed.  For your consideration, here are some key thoughts I’ve found:

–          “Change your mindset from the need to ‘get’ money to being a living representation of prosperity itself.” Wallace Wattles, The Science of Getting Rich  (Focus on what you have, not what you need.  Think of abundance, not lack.)

–          Write on the envelopes of your bills: “I give thanks for your immediate and complete payment. You are immediately and completely paid through rich avenues of Divine Substance.” Catherine Ponder, Open Your Mind to Receive  (Don’t worry about how.  You are the accountant, not the Paymaster.)

–          “God is my supply (not supplier).” H. Emilie Cady, How I Used Truth  (God is health, life, wisdom, strength, courage and so much more.  Don’t those translate into supply?)

–          “When you focus on the experiences you want to have, rather than the money that may (or may not) be required to have those experiences – you will find your desires being fulfilled in a much more effective, efficient, and effortless manner.”  Stephen Lane Taylor, from his new book, Further Down the Stream  (It’s not money we need, but what it can buy – food, electricity, transportation, and so forth.  Imagine already having those things.)

–          “Begin now to talk plenty, think plenty, and give thanks for plenty…Words are also seeds…They grow and bring forth after their kind.” Charles Fillmore, Prosperity  (This was written in 1936, Depression times.  Notice the common theme in all of these quotations?)