Affirming Your Truth

The use of affirmations, positive statements or declarations of the truth, has been touted for over a hundred years.  I first learned about them from Dr. John Pelizza in the early 1980s.  (Yes, I was very young then!)  He explained that there is a section of the brain that does not know truth from fiction; it will accept whatever thought is repeatedly offered.  When we repeat positive statements over a period of time, eventually we start to accept them as true.

I used affirmations frequently when I was single and looking to meet the love of my life.  Because I was so successful in meeting Roger, I recently pulled out the journal I kept during that period to remind myself what I had done.  Below are some of the statements I used to write or say aloud over and over.  Modify them to fit you.  Make sure that the statements you say or write make you feel good.  If you feel any constriction anywhere, reword the affirmation until it feels good to use it.

  • I value and appreciate myself.
  • I respect my beliefs and opinions.
  • I acknowledge how beautiful I am.
  • I am compassionate toward myself and others.
  • My core relationships are based on trust and intimacy.
  • I am desirable and worthy of love.
  • The man I seek is seeking me.
  • And my favorite one that I often repeated in the car at red lights: I am already connected deeply to the love of my life, and I know my beloved is coming to me right now.