Clouded Lenses

Have you heard that what you need or desire is right in front of you?  I’ve been told that many times before as people share stories about the ideal partner or job opportunity being in their midst, but they never recognized it.  How can we be overlooking something for which we’re searching so hard?

For me, most of the time it’s because my vision is blurred by fear and worry.  It’s as if my lenses are clouded over, making it impossible for me to see the good before me.  I’m too distracted by worry about what might happen or fear that I haven’t done enough.  Ever been there?  When I remind myself to stay in the present, I realize that at that moment, I have everything I need.  There are only 24 hours in the day, and worry and fear will not enable me to get any more done.  If anything, they will inhibit my progress.  The day will end whether I worry my way through it or not, so why not choose to live the day without the worry?

Join me right now in appreciating the good things around you.  I have a beautiful, peaceful view out my window.  I hear birds calling and my computer is working!  I feel great and I’m getting lots done.  What is there to be afraid of?