People often ask me why I wrote my book. One of the primary reasons was that when I was dating, I found singles to be very discouraged. Generally, the men wanted to have more fun and the women were frustrated and looking to find someone to date seriously. To keep in touch with singles, twice […]
Category: Sane Sex for Singles
Want to have a more enjoyable dating experience? It is possible! This site promotes “sane sex” for singles (not no sex and not the insane kind either). Sane sex happens when we put emotional intimacy ahead of physical intimacy, instead of the other way around, which is what we see in movies and on TV all the time. Sane sex happens in the context of an exclusive, loving relationship. Give it a try and see what happens. Banish lousy sex forever!
Never Mind What They Think of You; What Do You Think of Them?
So often singles worry about the impression they’re making. They are overly concerned with their appearance or their ability to say just the right thing. Many feel compelled to allow the relationship to progress quicker than they’d like out of fear that the other person will not think highly enough of them to stay in […]
Building Your Confidence
Practicing sane sex is not for the faint-hearted. It takes courage and confidence to hold your ground and say “not yet” when asked to take things farther than you’d like. I had an aha moment recently when I was meeting with two new acquaintances about my book. I was talking about the need to know […]
You Are a Treasure
You may be aware that Nurture You has been conducting a fund raiser for Gina’s Team, a 501(c)3 corporation whose mission is to address inmates’ needs by contributing to inmate education, programming, and re-entry, thus creating better citizens, smoother re-entry and more peaceful communities both inside and out. I’ve invited people to purchase my book, […]
Why Do Bad Dates Come In Strings?
Several weeks ago I mentioned that in my experience bad dates tend to come in strings. I noticed this myself and I’ve heard others lament about the string of “losers” they’ve attracted lately. I hate to think of anyone as a loser, since my spiritual beliefs are that we all come from the same Source. […]
Exclusive by Chance or Choice?
I firmly believe that sane sex happens in the context of an exclusive, loving relationship. But not all exclusive relationships are the same. Some are exclusive by chance rather than by choice or commitment. The difference between these two is like the alternative to build your house on sand or solid ground. When we are […]
Stand Your Ground
The prevalence of superficial sex on television and in the movies has led people to conclude that they should be having sex early in a relationship, even on the first date. This puts tremendous needless pressure on both men and women, and it feels unnatural for many people, as it should. I say this not […]
Do Your Inner Work
Years ago I ran an outplacement center for a manufacturing plant that was closing. Most of the people employed by the company had never worked anywhere else. They needed lots of help with resume writing and interviewing, which I expected. What amazed me, though, was how little these folks knew about themselves. When I asked […]
Why Didn’t He Call Again?
Last week I reminded readers how important it is to know their worth. I admit that may be hard to do when he doesn’t call for the second (or third) date. (I’m using “he” here because most of the time it’s women complaining that the men don’t call, even when they said they would.) As […]
Know Your Worth!
Twice a year, I have the privilege of offering my wellness workshops to a group of women at Perryville State Prison. It’s a pleasure because they’re always so grateful and interested in what I have to offer, including my sane sex message. I can tell by their reactions that the idea they are worth the […]