Show Up to Receive with Grace and Ease

Showing up helps us become skillful receivers, too. To receive what we need or desire, we’ve got to be in the game; we’ve got to show up.  What exactly does that look like?

There are many ways we can show up and put ourselves in a position to receive.  We can literally say “yes” to invitations.   Most of the time, when I think I’m attending an event to help the organizer out, I am the one to be blessed.  To show up could mean responding to email, returning a phone call, volunteering for a project, joining a committee at church, or taking on an officer role in one of the groups to which we belong.  We can show up in a conversation by listening intently, noticing the other person’s body language, tone of voice, and facial expressions.  When we eat, we can show up by focusing on the food one bite at a time, noting its appearance, aroma, texture, and flavors.

Perhaps the most significant way to show up is to stay in the present moment.  This requires an ongoing effort on my part, I’ve found.  When we’re dwelling on the past or worrying about the future, we overlook the gifts of current moment: the beauty of our surroundings; the sounds that fill the air, be they birds singing, waves on the shore, or a favorite song playing; the smile from a stranger; or a door held open.  Showing up is what receiving with grace and ease is all about.