Getting Ready and Calling Him In – Part 1

So you’re ready to meet someone special.  You’re getting out there and giving the events you attend a fair shot.  Terrific!  Now let’s be sure that your thoughts, words, and actions apart from these conscious efforts are aligned with your intentions.

Early in my journey to meet Roger, I consulted with Feng Shui expert, Sandy Sue Rector, to help me align my physical environment with my intention to meet the love of my life.  Sandy gave me the following advice:

–          Park on one side of the garage to leave room for his car on the other side.

–          Move my bed away from the wall so it could be accessed from both sides.

–          Remove my parents’ photos from my bedroom (as he wouldn’t want Mom and Dad watching him).

–          Put pairs of things in my bedroom (which was the love and romance area of my house) and use red, pink and white accents.

–          Make room for him by clearing out space for his things in my drawers and closet.

–          Get clothes for him and hang them in his side of the closet.  (When I asked Sandy Sue what size I should get, she asked me what size I wanted him to be!)

Although it felt strange at first, I followed every suggestion she made.  It paid off.  As Roger and I dated and we used the hot tub, he enjoyed the robe and sandals I had bought for him.   When we got married, there was already room for him in my home.  Why take a look at your surroundings and habits and see what adjustments you can make?