Clear Intention

I am an eternal light beam.

Today I read Patricia Kashare’s observations that when we select awareness of God over all else, there is no dilemma greater than God.  Therefore, we can release all concerns over to the Infinite Power (I like that expression!) knowing that circumstances can change in an instant.  Feeling into that for few moments prompted me to write the following thoughts that perhaps you can relate to:  I have less than I desire in my career and finances because I have settled for it.  I must accept without a shred of doubt that as God’s Beloved I am meant to have more. There is nothing standing in my way.

From there I crafted this statement of intent, just as Edwene Gaines, Wayne Dyer, and Terry McBride, among others, encourage us to do: My desire and intention is to nurture others using my talents and experience in a joyful way that prospers me.

Have you written a clear statement of what you’d like to receive?  I chose my words carefully, because they each add value and meaning:

  • Desire – my heart and emotions are engaged.
  • Intention – this incorporates my mind and my willingness to be what God leads me to be.
  • Nurture – I chose my business name, Nurture You, based on the definition of “nurture” – to enhance the development of something.  All of my work in the past dozen plus years has centered on nurturing others.
  • Talents – these include writing, speaking, teaching and coaching, abilities I have naturally and have been consciously developing over the years.
  • Experience – this draws in my work, training, and interests in wellness, human resources, education, business, fitness, customer service, and consulting.
  • Joyful – my new work feeds my heart and soul and makes me happy.  I look forward to going to work each day.
  • Prospers – I agree with Edwene Gaines’ definition of prosperity which includes finances, health, relationships, and playful work.  My new work enables me to live a balanced, healthy life.

I’ve posted my intention around my house and shared it with Roger.  Thanks for allowing me to share it with you!  If you have an intention you’d like me to hold for you, please let me know.  Let’s remember the power in two or more…

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