Children are Joyful Receivers

“Truly I tell you, whoever does not receive the kingdom of God as a little child will never enter it.”  Mark 10:15

To learn to receive with grace and ease, we may well want to consider the example of children, who are naturally joyful receivers.  Having attended many children’s birthday parties and cared for over 100 children over the years, I’ve seen how easily little ones receive. 

They’re not concerned about strings being attached; they show no sign of hesitation or reservation.  Often children are so joyful to receive that they laugh and jump up and down with glee, tearing the paper off the package to get to their treasure.  Children are skilled at receiving what’s presented in the moment: sometimes it’s the box the gift came in that they appreciate the most! It’s obvious that they feel loved by the way they express their gratitude and love for the giver with a hug.

When is the last time you showed such enthusiasm for a gift?  This week let’s accept what’s offered with the excitement of a child.  It will bless the giver and open us up for even more good to come our way.