Be Well by Showing Up

“You’ve got to be in it to win it.” That was slogan of the New York State lottery when I lived there in the 1990s.  I think we can say that about everything.  In fact, it seems to me that we get halfway to success just by showing up.  What does it mean to “show up” when it comes to being well?

Let’s begin with memberships.  The most important thing about joining Weight Watchers, signing up for a gym membership, or enrolling in a Zumba class is showing up!  “It works if you work it,” Rev. Johnnie Coleman used to say.  Then there’s the equipment you purchased: the universal home gym; the treadmill; the NordicTrack; and the DVDs, free weights, and other paraphernalia you have stashed in the back of your closet.  Dig them out, set them up, and use them.  Ten minutes a day is the perfect way to start.

How about your diet? Show up at the breakfast table, the farmers’ market, and the supermarket.

One of the first assignments I give my clients is to go food shopping.  You can’t eat it if it’s not in the house.  Or maybe you need to show up on the scale to see what your weight really is or at the doctor’s office for that annual physical or mammogram.  Is it time to show up at your dentist’s office?

All of the things I’ve suggested are pretty simple steps.  Showing up is like that.  It takes no special skills or knowledge.  Just get there and see what happens.