Attracting Our Good

Have you ever noticed that there are some people you just love to be around?  I remember years ago working with a man named Jason who made me feel like a million bucks whenever I saw him.  I looked forward to our brief conversations because I always felt so good about myself afterward.  Other people are so bright and light-hearted that we feel good about life after just a few moments in their presence.

Scientists are now proving what many spiritual teachers have been saying for years: we are powerful magnets that draw to ourselves what we send out.  Whether consciously or not, the people I’m describing are magnets for good. They see the good in life and in other people, attracting more of the same to themselves.  It’s true that misery loves company, so folks who dwell on the negative are repelled by these magnets of good.

What would you like to attract – greater health, improved relationships, new clients?  All of these things and more will be drawn to you as you become the kind of person others want to be with.  Gratitude and compassion are simple, but powerful mood shifters, and the place to start is with you.  Be thankful for what you are rather than what you have, and let go of self-judgment.   Others will sense your kindheartedness and be drawn to you.  As you attract like-minded people, staying in this positive space will be easier and become a habit.  I’m all for life getting easier, how about you?