Answered Prayer Comes in Many Forms

Have you noticed that the vast majority of the time our prayers are answered through the actions of other people?  If we’re not alert, we can be like the faithful old man caught in a flood.  Have you heard about him? 

He was lifelong believer who lived alone in a small town.  One day a terrible storm came and started to flood the roads.  He stood on the top step of his front porch and asked God to save him.  A row boat came by and a man called to the old gentleman to climb aboard.  He refused, saying God would save him.  But the storm continued and the water rose higher.  Soon the man was upstairs, looking out the bedroom window.  A motor boat came along and woman cried out to him, “Come aboard and we’ll take you to dry land!”  But again he refused, “That’s okay, I know God will protect me.”  Reluctantly, on they went.  Eventually the man climbed out onto the roof of his house.  A helicopter hovered over and lowered a ladder.  “Climb up!” someone shouted.  “That’s okay, God’s got my back!”

The next thing he knew, the faithful man was standing at the pearly gates. St. Peter came to greet him.  He took one look at the old fellow and did a double take.

“What are you doing here?” he asked.

“You tell me.  I prayed but God didn’t answer.”

“What do you mean?  We sent two boats and a helicopter!”

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