Feeling Worthy to Receive

“Amazing Grace, how sweet the sound, that saved a wretch like me….” Many of us grew up hearing this classic hymn in church.   I did, and it’s still one of my favorites.  However, I prefer the updated lyrics I’ve heard: “Amazing Grace, how sweet the sound, that saved a soul like me….”  If you were […]

Compassionate Listening Enhances Trust

Emotional intimacy requires a high level of trust, and trust is established over time.  When we have superficial sex, typically early in a relationship, there can be no trust and therefore no real intimacy.  When we commit to sane sex, we’re willing to invest the time it takes to build trust, and one practice we […]

More Small Steps to Wellness

Everyone has a lifestyle or manner of living, a set of habits they engage in every day.  Some experts have estimated that up to 70% of visits to the doctor are lifestyle related.  This is good news, because unlike genetics, lifestyle is something you can change.  Here are some small steps to wellness: Engage in physical […]

Is Perfection Your Goal?

“The idea of perfect closes your mind to new standards. When you drive hard toward one ideal, you miss opportunities and paths, not to mention hurting your confidence. Believe in your potential and then go out and explore it; don’t limit it.”  John Eliot, Ph.D., Reverse Psychology for Success Last week I wrote about how […]

Safety and Trust Encourages Emotional Intimacy

A definition of intimacy that I offered in Worth Waiting For: Sane Sex for Singles was “a close relationship rich in familiarity, understanding, and confidence formed in a quiet atmosphere where detailed knowledge and private utterances could be exchanged.”  Given this definition, it makes sense that when you’d like to become emotionally intimate with someone, […]

Small Steps to Eating Better

There are certain habits that consistently correlate with positive health indicators, such as a lower risk for disease or the ability to maintain a healthy weight.  The good news is that these behaviors are not all or nothing.  Here are a few ideas about eating well and small steps you can take to get you […]