Set Yourself Up to Succeed


Workshop Length:    1 hour
Purpose:      To enable the participants to empower themselves to be successful, even when they feel set up to fail.
Description:  While people may have felt set up to fail sometime in the past, they can learn to set themselves up to succeed.  First they need to learn the rules, such as remembering that perspective is everything, being a person of increase, and seeking feedback.  Then they’ll want to know how to follow the rules.  Finally, they will have to be prepared when the rules change–and they will!  Participants will discover how, with the right mindset and action steps, they can empower yourself to succeed.
  • Articulate four strategies for succeeding under adverse conditions
  • Understand how integrity pays off in the long run
  • Embrace feelings of discomfort that are inevitable as they succeed
Program Materials:
  • Participant handout