For singles to have the kind of dating experience they’d like, they need to learn to sell themselves successfully. Last time we looked at the first step: learning the other person’s needs by listening and paying attention. From there, singles need to gain the other party’s confidence. The first factor to consider here is appearance. […]
Category: Sane Sex for Singles
Want to have a more enjoyable dating experience? It is possible! This site promotes “sane sex” for singles (not no sex and not the insane kind either). Sane sex happens when we put emotional intimacy ahead of physical intimacy, instead of the other way around, which is what we see in movies and on TV all the time. Sane sex happens in the context of an exclusive, loving relationship. Give it a try and see what happens. Banish lousy sex forever!
Singles are Salespeople
Have you ever thought of singles who date as salespeople? We are all salespeople really. We’re always selling something – our ideas, proposals, suggestions, invitations, apologies, and excuses. So single people are always selling, too. They sell themselves over and over again: asking for a dance, a date, a one-night stand (heaven forbid), a weekend away, […]
Compassionate Listening Enhances Trust
Emotional intimacy requires a high level of trust, and trust is established over time. When we have superficial sex, typically early in a relationship, there can be no trust and therefore no real intimacy. When we commit to sane sex, we’re willing to invest the time it takes to build trust, and one practice we […]
Safety and Trust Encourages Emotional Intimacy
A definition of intimacy that I offered in Worth Waiting For: Sane Sex for Singles was “a close relationship rich in familiarity, understanding, and confidence formed in a quiet atmosphere where detailed knowledge and private utterances could be exchanged.” Given this definition, it makes sense that when you’d like to become emotionally intimate with someone, […]