Two-way Blessings

Blessings Flow Both Ways

I’ve often written about how intertwined giving and receiving are: we cannot do one without the other occurring for both ourselves and the other person.  In other words, as we give, we receive, and vice versa.  On a related note, I’ve concluded that the flow of blessings is never just one way.  The Universe is just more efficient than that!  When I’m called to help someone in need, I invariably receive more than just the joy of giving.  I often have my own need met through an unexpected blessing of some type.

For example, teachers and trainers (I’m both) will tell you they learn as much or more from their students as they impart to the class.  When I served as a Stephen Minister years ago, I thought I would be helping others with encouragement and prayer.  I had no idea how much spiritual growth and support I would receive in the process, at a difficult time in my life when they were greatly needed. 

I had another significant manifestation a decade ago when I agreed to walk a marathon to raise money for the Arthritis Foundation.  Out of that volunteer effort, I was gifted with a walking partner who has become my best friend, the opportunity to take my daughters to Europe with me for the marathon, and a new fitness regimen. 

Similarly, I recently visited a long-time married couple in the midst of a battle with a deadly form of cancer.  My intention was to bring flowers and offer support, which I did.  What caught me off-guard was the barrage of blessings that flowed my way.  Their spirit, laughter, hope, and courage still take my breath away, as I recall our time together.  How gracious they were in their welcome to me and in their praise and gratitude for the support they were receiving!

As a human resources professional, I learned early on the employment relationship is a mutual blessing.  Sometimes new managers fail to realize how much they need their employees, and sadly there are employees who think the company owes them a job.  Organizations cannot fulfill their missions or even exist without the talent and effort of their employees, and employers provide much more than a paycheck to the staff.  Employment brings fulfillment, affords social interaction, helps develop enhanced knowledge and skills, and presents countless opportunities for personal growth and maturity.  Don’t wait until the job ends to recognize these blessings!

It’s imperative that we become skillful receivers.  Good things are constantly being presented to you, even when (or should I say especially when) you’re doing the giving.

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