They say timing is everything, and I certainly think that applies to dating. Just as so many things are fast-tracked today (the Internet, hiring procedures, college courses, and weight loss, to name a few), for many people dating is also in the fast lane. I continue to watch sitcom characters have sex on the first date and think nothing of it.
Based on my clients’ experiences and my conversations with singles, there’s a lot to think about. When people become physically intimate with someone they don’t know well, they usually come to regret it, as they discover things that cause them to end the relationship. I still stand by the sane sex model, which is based on postponing sex until we’re in an exclusive, loving relationship. I know exclusivity and love aren’t easy to achieve. That’s okay – you’re worth the wait and so is the experience of being intimate with someone who is devoted to you!
Ask yourself: Is it really in my best interest not to wait for an exclusive, loving relationship?