It’s holiday time and food is everywhere. I believe in moderation in all things, so I don’t encourage people to eliminate the foods they really love. It’s a matter of portion control. When I joined Weight Watchers in 1994, one of my primary goals was to learn how much to eat. I grew up with three brothers who ate whatever they wanted, it seemed, and restaurant sizes were already starting to expand.
Does watching portion sizes mean you have to weight and measure everything? Well, when you can do so at home, it helps. But don’t become obsessed with it. WebMD and Weight Watchers have some great tips for estimating how much food you actually have on your plate. This is a great thing, because researchers have found that people tend to underestimate how much they eat, a sure recipe for weight gain! Use these comparisons to help you get started:
For a great wallet-sized guide to
portions, visit WebMD at:
If you’re not sure how many portions you should be eating a day, give me a call at 602-909-8598 to schedule your personal consultation.