Think Your Way to a New Experience

“This, too, is for me, and I demand to see the blessing in it.”

Emma Curtis Hopkins

Flower 364x353Things happen all the time that seem opposed to what we’d like to experience.  Naturally, our typical reactions may be frustration, disappointment, fear, or bewilderment.  Honing our critical thinking skills is an effective way to enhance our ability to receive the good intended for us. Let’s look at how we can think our way to a new and better experience of life.

The first step is to be aware of our thoughts.  What assumptions are we making?  What unpleasant feelings are we experiencing?  It’s important to have this awareness so that we know where we are and the thoughts we need to shift. 

The second step is to step back and observe the situation as objectively as possible.  You could see yourself at the end of your life looking back at this moment.  Ask yourself what other thoughts you could be holding about the situation.  Another approach is to consider what possible good or opportunity this situation might present.  Remember that your imagination is a powerful creative tool, so use it in your best interest!  Here are a couple of examples to get you started:

Your best friend moves away.  Acknowledge that your relationship will change, but it doesn’t have to end.  With today’s technology, you could Skype or FaceTime with your friend, possibly “seeing” each other more often than you do currently.  You’ll now have a friend in a new location, giving you someplace new to visit on vacation.  Finally, remember that the Universe abhors a void, so new people will come into your life, as you open yourself to them.

You have an accident. Avoid dwelling on “why me?”  See this as an opportunity to care for yourself and maybe get some needed rest.  Perhaps it’s a chance for someone to care for you.  Gently consider if the Universe is inviting you to pay closer attention or take your time.  If so, don’t beat yourself up; just give thanks for the feedback and make an agreement with yourself to get the lesson.  Pay attention to the new people who come into your life as a result of the accident.  Are you being led to a new career or relationship?  Maybe you’ll notice that you move through the entire experience with much more grace and ease that you did a similar incident twenty years ago.

Yes, there is good for us, and we ought to have it!

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