Let’s Get Excited

If you’ve had any exposure to the New Testament, you’ll probably recall the master teacher’s promise that whatever we pray for believing we have received we will receive.  It’s easy to pray for something; it’s another thing to believe we have already received.  How can we do this?  Ask yourself: How would I feel if I already had this thing I’m praying for?  Stay with that question until you physically feel the feelings you’d have, which may include happiness, excitement, relief, security, peace, or gratitude.  As you pray, allow yourself to feel these feelings.

Here’s another approach to take.  Begin by remembering a time when you had a big prayer answered in an amazing way.  I’ll use the situation I’ve written about before when one summer during college I needed a job.  Despite my efforts, it looked like my only option was to go back to my part time job at the drug store where I’d have to work nights and weekends to get about 30 hours/week. On a Tuesday, I told God that I couldn’t go back to school in the fall if I didn’t work full time that summer.  Two days later I got a call about a Federal summer job, resulting from a civil service test I’d taken over the Christmas holiday and completely forgot about.  I showed up for the interview on Friday and was handed the job, which paid three times what my drug store position did.  I worked Monday – Friday in a lovely office with wonderful people who treated me like gold.

Once you have your memory, reflect on that experience and how you would have felt if you knew in advance that your prayer would be answered.  So I ask myself – what if I knew for certain on Tuesday that I’d get that great job on Friday?  Wouldn’t I have been excited, relieved, and grateful all week?  Isn’t that the mindset Jesus is talking about?  If I truly believe my current prayer will be answered, won’t I already be excited, relieved, and grateful?  Use the memory of your answered prayer to help you generate the expectation and happiness you need to feel to receive.  Let’s get excited right now.

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