You Can Do It!

“You must do the things you think you cannot do.” Eleanor Roosevelt Many people who become single over forty stop dating or, worse yet, don’t even start, out of fear or discomfort. They have an unpleasant dating experience and they give up, deciding it’s easier not to try at all.  Easier? Perhaps, but not more […]

Are You Allergic or Intolerant?

While about 25% of adults claim to have a food allergy, only about 2% have a true allergy. Most of the rest of are experiencing some level of food intolerance, a much less serious condition. Understanding the difference can make life easier for those with intolerances while avoiding a serious reaction for those with a […]

Default Thoughts

I’ve heard it said that most of us think the same thoughts over and over again.  The problem is that often these are negative thoughts or memories that serve no constructive purpose.  If this sounds familiar to you, here’s an exercise to try.  Just as your computer has default settings, create for yourself default thoughts […]

Looking For External Validation

Last week I wrote about the danger of needing to outshine your partner to feel good about yourself.  To illustrate my point, I’d like to tell you about one man in particular who really stood out. Our entire first date was more like an interview, where he assessed my education (I had a master’s; he […]

Save Your Health and Your Pocketbook

Last week I looked at the high cost of being overweight or obese.  Today I’d like to brighten the news and give you some very doable changes you can make to keep more money in your bank account.  Let’s begin with the biggest money saver – lowering blood pressure. In July 2009 the American Journal […]

Are you Willing to be Uncomfortable?

I had a powerful ah-ha moment last week.  I discovered that successful people aren’t necessarily the ones who work the hardest or are the best in their fields.  Yes, those things help, but they’re not enough.  Don’t you know hard-working people who are really good at what they do, but are just barely making ends […]

What Makes You Feel Good About Yourself?

It’s natural for us to like to be around people who make us feel good about ourselves.  I remember a coworker of mine several years ago who made me feel like a million bucks every time I walked into his office.  What a high it was being around him! Just what is it about the […]

Overweight is Expensive

We all know that illness is expensive, given doctor bills, tests, treatments, and medications.  Have you ever thought about the additional costs of time lost from work, travel to and from the doctor, and hiring someone to do what you were physically unable to, even if it’s just washing the car?  George Washington University researchers […]

What Does it Mean to be Generous?

Many people desire abundance so that they can be more generous in their giving.  I understand this kind of thinking. There are so many wonderful non-profit organizations and candidates for election that I’d love to support financially.  Giving money is certainly one way to be generous, but is it the only way or even the […]

Do You Want a Relationship?

People often ask me why I wrote my book.  One of the primary reasons was that when I was dating, I found singles to be very discouraged.  Generally, the men wanted to have more fun and the women were frustrated and looking to find someone to date seriously. To keep in touch with singles, twice […]