Second Chances

Last week I wrote about times when I was presented with opportunities to resolve situations that troubled me.  I said that I had decided to wait and that soon chances to rectify these independent conditions were more or less thrust upon me.  What if I had missed this divine timing?  Would it have been too […]

Who Deserves You?

One of my clients recently shared with me advice he had received regarding employment. He was told to work for an organization that deserved him, rather than one who needed him.  That’s a new way of looking at things that could be applied to almost any area of life.  How would it work for you […]

Preventing Cancer

As I mentioned last week, the folks at the UC Berkeley Wellness Letter have reported that there are many factors under your control when it comes to preventing cancer.  Begin by affirming daily, “I enjoy perfect health in body, mind and spirit.”  Then add fuel to this intention with these nine practices: Don’t smoke or […]

The Gift of Perfect Timing

As a woman of faith, I may not know how to handle every situation, but I do always have a Source of guidance and opportunity.  Recently I’ve experienced people behaving in ways that weren’t what I was expecting.  These friends made choices that seemed out of character for them and didn’t make me feel good.  […]

Handling First Dates – Part Two

So you’re comfortable with where you’re going on your first date.  Now what? Drive yourself so you can leave when you want. Tell a friend where and when you’re going. Avoid going straight from work.  Allow yourself time to shift out of work or family mode and into a social, ready for fun frame of […]

What Causes Cancer?

Did you know that almost half of American men and one-third of women will develop cancer at some time in their lives?  No wonder it is the biggest health concern of most people!  (Cancer is not the leading cause of death, however; that distinction goes to heart disease.)  Studies show that almost 30% of those […]

More Lessons from Space

I’m still thinking about our trip to the Kennedy Space Center.  One thing that touched me was the comments made by many of the astronauts stating that their space experience changed their perception of life and our world.  Being able to view the earth from space was profoundly moving for them.  They were struck with […]

Handling First Dates – Part One

As I discussed last week, singles events can take us out of our comfort zones.  If you’ve been successful at working the room and meeting new people, you ideally will be faced with the next major challenge: the dreaded first date. Many people find first dates nerve-wracking.  For me, as a former human resources professional, […]

Eating When You’re Not Hungry

Wait a minute – eat when you’re not hungry?  Why would I advise you to do that?  There are times when you should eat even if you’re not hungry, such as upon rising in the morning or after several daytime hours without eating.  There are various reasons people sometimes don’t feel hunger, including having a […]

Nothing Is Impossible

Do you have a dream or goal that feels too difficult or complex to achieve?  Last week I visited the Kennedy Space Center in Florida.  I discovered that I had no idea what complexity really meant! Did you know that there were two million systems on an Apollo spacecraft? Two million!  How is it possible […]