What Do You Find Irresistible?

Have you ever met someone you just couldn’t resist?  If you polled people, you’d find that there is a wide variety qualities or characteristics they find so attractive they lose their resolve, discretion, and typical good judgment. For instance, some are drawn to people in the entertainment world or public eye.  Individuals in powerful positions […]

Does Your Food Suit Your Mood?

By Anita Rangaswami (Guest Blogger) Know how to feed your mind and body properly! Individuals who lead a “wellness-oriented” lifestyle are generally concerned with nutrition, fitness, stress, and typically care about their environment as well. Health conscious individuals are into eating raw foods, drinking Kombucha tea, being on the cutting edge and going to yoga/pilates fusion […]

Does Sane Sex Work at Any Age?

I’ve been asked if the sane sex applies to single people of any age.  It does, although I get uncomfortable when people suggest having high schoolers read my book. While the book’s message is one I would love teenagers to embrace, I consider sex to be an adult behavior and inappropriate for anyone under age […]

A New and Improved Life

To live long and well, we must exercise.  We’ve been told this for years, and we still don’t get it.  There’s just no substitute.  Dieting and maintaining a healthy weight are great, but they’re not enough.  Exercise does things for the mind and body that nothing else, including diet, can do.  Check out three ways […]

Watch Your Mouth — Part Two

As you may have suspected from last week’s article, the list of limiting phrases it would be good to avoid is long.  Here are a few more I’ve encountered: “The other half” — when people identify another “half” that they’re excluded from they’ve found yet one more way to restrict their ability to receive.  A […]

Is the Wait Long? – Part Two

How long does it take to establish the emotional intimacy needed for sane sex?  As I stated last time, it does not have to be long.  When Roger and I met, we’d both done our inner work.  We spent time together that allowed us to talk and really get to know each other.  Neither of […]

To Replace or Not to Replace

I was surprised to learn how many knee and hip replacements are being done on people under the age of 65.  According to Prevention magazine, almost 40% of all hip replacements done in 2010 were done on people under age 65, and 42% of that year’s knee replacements were on folks aged 45 – 64.  […]

Watch Your Mouth

Am I bringing back memories?  Did you have an elder who reminded you to “watch your mouth” if you said something out of line?  Today I suggest that you watch your mouth in the sense of the expressions you use.  I’ve caught myself or others using this limiting language which in the end only short […]

Is the Wait Long?

I admit that the phrase, “worth waiting for,” can suggest having to settle in for the long haul.  But it doesn’t have to be that way.  To practice sane sex means to delay having sex with someone you’re attracted to until you’re emotionally intimate with them.  So the question becomes, how long does it take […]

A Day Older and Years Wiser

If you’re reading this, you’re a day older today than you were yesterday. Congratulations!  When you consider the alternative, this is a good thing.  Rather than dwell on getting older each day, why not think about how you’ve gotten wiser with each passing year?  Perhaps when we celebrate our birthdays with loved ones, we could […]